#1: Non-Skipper Registration Test

We believed that customers abandoned the registration process because of the overwhelming design of registration page. To improve the sign up experience, we took the approach to simplify the page and abandon unnecessary content. While understanding the first time offering is important, we redesigned the reg page so that it still focus on its topmost element - sign up fields. 

We rolled out on desktop and mobile with up to +8% gain on lead to VIP conversion.

Design Process

Final Non-Skipper Registration Flow


#2: Skipper Registration Test

After the win on the non-skipper registration test, we applied the same design solution to the skipper registration page but the test was running flat. We went back to the drawing board and did some iterations.

Although the test was being run after i left the company, it was a valuable design process to develop multiple variations for A/B tests.


Original Skipper Registration Flow


Design Process

Final Skipper Registration Page